Let's Start a Worm Farm
For Beginners
Starting a worm bin and keeping the worms happily composting your food scraps and organic waste is easy - and fun!
The key to successful vermicomposting is patience and an understanding that your bin needs an ample amount of carbon-rich bedding material along with the nitrogen-rich food waste and manures that you're excited to start turning into worm castings.
Use this page - and the linked resources - to fill your brain with the best vermicomposting information on the interwebs!
On this page, you’ll find links to Urban Worm Company articles and material to keep you on the right path. Whether you want to start a new worm bin, or maintain an existing worm farm, we’ve got resources, videos, and blog articles to help you on your vermicomposting journey!
Use our quick links to skip down to whatever vermicomposting content you’re looking for.
Happy worming!
Beginner Resources
Follow on Socials to Get the Poop!
We are really proud of our growing YouTube channel. Watch Steve deliver bite-sized chunks of vermicomposting and composting knowledge on our popular Coffee & Compost series.
Also, catch our periodic Wiggle Wednesday Livestream at 11AM EST where we present on a topic for 10-15 minutes before taking your questions on our open Q&A!
Make sure to subscribe and get the alerts on our new videos!
We love our IG followers! Get some good info nuggets dropped on this visual platform.
The Urban Worm Bag Learning Group is open to all vermicomposters, whether or not you're a user of the "UWB."
Ask your questions here - or answer others! We also deliver notification of new sales here so members of our Facebook Group get notified first!
We're the least active on this platform but hey....give us a follow?
Download the Beginner's Guide to Vermicomposting
The Vermicomposter's Starter Guide is written to acquaint you with the following topics that beginning worm composters need to know:
- The Benefits of Vermicomposting
- Vermicomposting vs Composting
- Choosing Your Worms
- Starting Your Bin
- Maintaining Optimal Conditions
- How to Harvest
Take this guide and print it or share it with friends!
Read the Ultimate Guide to Vermicomposting
This 10,000+ word blog post is a comprehensive introduction to worm composting covering everything from:
- basic definitions
- how vermicomposting is different from composting
- earthworm basics
- how to set up a worm bin
- how to choose worm bedding
- how to choose a worm bin
- how to maintain conditions in the worm bin
- the financial opportunities of vermicomposting and vermiculture
Read the Rest of Our Beginner Content
We created a list of beginner-level articles for the new vermicomposter or for the experienced vermicomposter who needs a refresher.
It's got the stuff new vermicomposters need to know.
Vermicomposting vs Composting
How to Start a Worm Bin
Ultimate Guide to Vermicomposting
Read All Vermicomposting Articles